Board steps to create an agent application

Example of an agent application is the application you are building or another prominent example is google pay .Broad functions of an agent application is

  1. To help the users to fetch the bill by displaying the details needed by the biller to identify the customer and fetch the bill .

  2. Collect payment for the bill depending on the scenarios .

  3. Help customer to track transitions and raise complaints

To achieve the above the agent application should be able to create screens dynamically for a biller. This could be achieved with the help of Biller MDM data.Biller MDM is the master data about all the billers enrolled in the BBPS system .This could be done with the help of BBPS master data API .

One of the critical aspects of an agent application is to build the screen for each biller dynamically . This could be achieved with the help of two important parameters the Biller parameters and Customer Parameters


Two important concepts to be understood are Biller Parameters and Customer Parameters. Biller Parameters - A set of parameters used to define the characteristics of of a biller Customer Parameters - A set of parameters used by the biller to identify a specific bill . Customer parameters will have a name, type and possible values accepted by the biller .For example an electricity board will use “consumer id” as a parameter to identify the customer. Now electricity board can identity a specific bill using a tuple <“consumer id”, “34561856”> . Another example can be that of a DTH company . Now DTH company can identity a specific customer using a tuple <“subscriber id”, “”>

How agent applications can build screens dynamically
  • Broad steps for creating an agent application will be .

  • Fetch the BBPS master data .

  • Create screen dynamically using biller parameter.

  • Validate the input for a bill based on the customer parameter.

  • Based on biller parameters, decide to use either fetch and pay OR validate and pay OR quick pay.

  • Invoke the workflow

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